Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Shalom and Welcome

This blog is unique. We are not aware of any other Messianic Jewish blog which serves the GLBT Messianic Community, except for Bnai HaKeshet which has been inactive for over a year now. What lies in store? We are planning to write on a whole range of fascinating subjects. Here is a small foretaste:

  • The Bible and Homosexuality
  • Is it a sin to be in a committed same-sex relationship?
  • Is the Bible true?
  • Who is the Messiah?
  • Has the church replaced the Jewish people?
  • Will G-d really save everyone?
  • What about evolution?
  • What was the sin of Sodom?
Our principal aim is to serve the Messianic GLBT Community in cyber space. We want to offer hope, a spiritual home, quality resources and articles and a forum for exchange and fair debate.

The High Holy Days are now upon us. We wish you L'Shanah Tovah (a good year) and Chag Sameach (a joyous festival)!