This blog is unique. We are not aware of any other Messianic Jewish blog which serves the GLBT Messianic Community, except for Bnai HaKeshet which has been inactive for over a year now. What lies in store? We are planning to write on a whole range of fascinating subjects. Here is a small foretaste:
- The Bible and Homosexuality
- Is it a sin to be in a committed same-sex relationship?
- Is the Bible true?
- Who is the Messiah?
- Has the church replaced the Jewish people?
- Will G-d really save everyone?
- What about evolution?
- What was the sin of Sodom?
Our principal aim is to serve the Messianic GLBT Community in cyber space. We want to offer hope, a spiritual home, quality resources and articles and a forum for exchange and fair debate.
The High Holy Days are now upon us. We wish you L'Shanah Tovah (a good year) and Chag Sameach (a joyous festival)!